Map - Namibia South - Attractions - Route
Below is a map depicting the location of places of interest in Namibia's South. Underneath the map you will find listings and more information on these places.
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We trust that this will assist you in planning your self-drive visit to Namibia.
- More InfoJohanniter Haus - Die ou Klip HospitaalDie ou hospitaal op Keetmanshoop wat deur die Johanniter Orde gebou is, vier sy 100ste bestaansjaar. Die gebou huisves vandag die kantore van die Ministerie van die Omgewing en Toerisme.
- Keetmanshoop
- History
- More InfoRhenish Mission Church, KeetmanshoopThe Rhenish Mission Society played an important part in the development of Keetmanshoop, where Nama Kaptein Tseib and his followers had settled in 1866.
- Keetmanshoop
- History
- More InfoOld German Fortress Fort NaiamsErected around 1898, the fort secured the South Bay Road between Keetmanshoop and Lüderitz, a military station building and provided bypassers with water.
- Seeheim
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- More InfoStation building, LüderitzThe Lüderitz-Keetmanshoop railway line was mainly built to supply infrastructure to assist the suppression of the Nama rebellions that erupted in southern Namibia in 1904. Due to the long communication lines between Swakopmund...
- Luderitz
- History
- More InfoThe Krabbenhöft & Lampe building is one of the number of prestigious buildings erected during the period of prosperity following the discovery of diamonds in 1908.
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- More InfoThe Deutsche Afrika Bank ("German Africa Bank") Building is part of the historic street view of Bismarck Street, one of the oldest streets in Lüderitz and as such also forms part of the historic and architectural core of...
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- More InfoThe Evangelical Lutheran Church, popularly known as the Felsenkirche (literally: “church on the rocks”), is the highest placed of all the buildings in Lüderitz. The German name comes from the fact that its foundations are...
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- More InfoEagle Monument, KeetmanshoopThe “Eagle Monument” in Keetmanshoop commemorates the German soldiers who were killed in the Herero and Nama wars in 1897, 1903 and 1906-1907 respectively.
- Keetmanshoop
- History
- More InfoIn 1488, while homeward bound from his pioneering voyage around the Cape of Good Hope into the Indian Ocean, Bartolomeu Dias sailed into the inlet presently known as Lüdertiz Bay. At the extreme western promontory of the bay he...
- History
- More InfoHoloog Station and WargravesThe diamond rush was one of the main reasons why the building of a rail link to Luderitz became so important. The railway line was further extended as far as Holoog by November 1908, making it possible to transport goods and...
- Seeheim
- Sightseeing
- History
- More InfoIn Lüderitz a number of luxurious villas sprung up, mostly double storeyed, which became known as diamond palaces. One of these was the so-called Goerke House, the villa of the mine inspector for a German diamond-mining company.
- History
- More InfoThe prisoner-of-war camp was erected after the conclusion of peace in July 1915 between the German and Union forces in South Africa. A total of 1 552 prisoners of war were initially based in this camp.
- History
- More InfoThe Sossusvlei Dunes and the Sesriem CanyonSesriem is the "Gateway to Sossusvlei". It is a small village called after a natural canyon carved by the Tsauchab rivier in the local sedimentary rock, about a kilometre long and up to 30 meters deep.
- Sossusvlei
- Sightseeing
- More InfoJosef Frederiks’ House, Bethanië“The cottage of Captain Josef Frederiks” is the house of the erstwhile Kaptein Josef Frederiks, leader of the Nama of Bethanië and Raadsaal (“Conference Chamber”) of the Bethanië Nama Council.
- Bethanien
- History
- More InfoKolmanskop Ghost TownKolmanskop (Afrikaans for Coleman's hill, German: Kolmannskuppe) is a ghost town in the Namib desert in southern Namibia, a few kilometres inland from the port town of Lüderitz. It was named after a transport driver named Johnny...
- Luderitz
- History
- More InfoLt. Thilo von Trotha. Born 23-11-1877 in Wahlstadt. Died 14-06-1905 at Fish River Canyon. Killed while negotiating peace with the Bondelswarts-Nama. He was shot from behind because it was suspected that he was using the talks to...
- History
- More InfoThe Tower of TirasWhen travelling on the C13 in the south of Namibia between Aus and Helmeringhausen near the Tiras Mountains you will find this strange tower seemingly built from scrap iron.
- Helmeringhausen
- Sightseeing
- More InfoBrukkaros KraterBrukkaros is 'n rustende vulkaan op 'n 100km afstand noordnoordwes van Keetmanshoop in Namibië.
- Keetmanshoop
- Sightseeing
- More InfoGerman War Memorial near GochasUnder an old Camelthorn tree on the bank of the Auob River near Gochas is this German War Memorial.
- Kalahari
- History
- More InfoMooifontein CemeteryThe Farm Mooifontein was the site of a German military station during the colonial period known as Chamis 'Lion's Fountain'. The bodies of a small number of German soldiers who fell whilst fighting in the Nama uprising
- Bethanien
- History
- More InfoWarmbad was named in 1760 by Jacobus Coetzee one of the first europeans that crossed the Orange River. It is situated south of Karasburg at the Homs River, close to the border with South Africa.
- History
- More InfoSafari World Tours (Pty)Safari World Tours is a Dynamic Travel and Destination promoting Company. We private Safaris and tours throughout southern Africa and western African countries. Our Safari Tours are well managed and structured for any type of...
- Windhoek
- Tours and Safaris
- +264818211521
- Visit Website
- More InfoThe Namib Desert Horse is a rare feral horse found in the Namib Desert of Namibia, Africa. It is probably the only feral herd of horses residing in Africa, with a population ranging between 90 and 150. The Namib Desert Horse...
- Sightseeing
- Wildlife & Nature
- More InfoGibeonGibeon, situated 72km south of Mariental and 176km north of Keetmanshoop just off the B1, was originally known by the name Khaxa-tsûs. It received its name from Kido Witbooi, first Kaptein of the ǀKhowesin, a subtribe of the...
- Gibeon
- Sightseeing
- More InfoDicker WilhelmProminent mountain (1500 m) 35 km north-west of Aus, along the road to Luderitz. German for ‘the thickset Wilhelm’, the name refers to Kaiser Wilhelm II whose orders, like the insular mountain in the otherwise flat Namib...
- Aus
- Sightseeing
- More InfoNaute DamThe Naute Dam is a dam outside of Keetmanshoop, Karas Region, Namibia. It was built between 1970–1972 and was officially commissioned in September 1972.
- Seeheim
- Dams
- More InfoHardap DamHardap Dam is a dam close to Mariental, 260 km south of Windhoek, Namibia. Built in 1962 while Namibia was under South African occupation, Hardap Dam is the largest dam in the country.
- Mariental
- Dams
- More InfoAi-Ais Hot SpringsAi-Ais Hot Springs Spa lies at the Southern end of Fish River Canyon, in a scenic area beside natural sulphurous hot springs, from which it got its name, as Ai-Ais means 'burning water' in the Nama language. It was completely...
- Ai-Ais
- History
- More InfoIn 1814 missionery Johann Heinrich Schmelen (1777-1848) of the London Missionary Society settled at Bethanië. Shortly after his arrival he built a small, one-roomed stone house. Schmelen lived in this room until his departure...
- History
- More InfoOld Post Office Building, KeetmanshoopIn 1908, Gottlieb Redecker, the official builder of the German colonial government’s Works Department, drew up plans for a new post office building in Keetmanshoop.
- Keetmanshoop
- History
- More InfoThe Fish River CanyonThe Fish River Canyon is located in the south of Namibia. It is the largest canyon in Africa, as well as the second most visited tourist attraction in Namibia. It features a gigantic ravine, in total about 100 miles (160 km)...
- Ai-Ais
- Sightseeing
- More InfoGross NabasSouth of Stampriet, 20 km along the C15, is the farm Gross Nabas, the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the war. A small monument on the main road commemorates the battle of 2-4 January 1905, during which the Witbooi Nama...
- Mariental
- History
- More InfoExplore The Quiver Tree Forest And Giants PlaygroundSure, you’ll see quiver trees, Aloe dichotoma, all over southern Namibia, but it’s the sheer numer and size of the distinctive forked aloes found amoung the jungle of massive dolerite boulders on the Gariganuns farm outside...
- Keetmanshoop
- Sightseeing