Luderitz Tourist Attractions
- More InfoIn Lüderitz a number of luxurious villas sprung up, mostly double storeyed, which became known as diamond palaces. One of these was the so-called Goerke House, the villa of the mine inspector for a German diamond-mining company.
- History
- More InfoThe Evangelical Lutheran Church, popularly known as the Felsenkirche (literally: “church on the rocks”), is the highest placed of all the buildings in Lüderitz. The German name comes from the fact that its foundations are...
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- More InfoIn 1488, while homeward bound from his pioneering voyage around the Cape of Good Hope into the Indian Ocean, Bartolomeu Dias sailed into the inlet presently known as Lüdertiz Bay. At the extreme western promontory of the bay he...
- History
- More InfoKolmanskop Ghost TownKolmanskop (Afrikaans for Coleman's hill, German: Kolmannskuppe) is a ghost town in the Namib desert in southern Namibia, a few kilometres inland from the port town of Lüderitz. It was named after a transport driver named Johnny...
- Luderitz
- History
- More InfoStation building, LüderitzThe Lüderitz-Keetmanshoop railway line was mainly built to supply infrastructure to assist the suppression of the Nama rebellions that erupted in southern Namibia in 1904. Due to the long communication lines between Swakopmund...
- Luderitz
- History
- More InfoThe Deutsche Afrika Bank ("German Africa Bank") Building is part of the historic street view of Bismarck Street, one of the oldest streets in Lüderitz and as such also forms part of the historic and architectural core of...
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- More InfoThe Krabbenhöft & Lampe building is one of the number of prestigious buildings erected during the period of prosperity following the discovery of diamonds in 1908.
- Historic Buildings & Architecture